Delighted, if a little nervous, to be teaching my usually very hands-on Better iPhone Photography for Everyone course at the Collingwood Public Library starting tomorrow July 8, 2020. This had been in the works before Covid but we all know what happened there - so I've had the distinct pleasure (NOT) of having to record myself and even worse spend a lot of time watching the playback. Do I really sound like THAT?
The course is full and I'm glad I'm doing it, we're going to be starting with better photography and then moving on to organizing digital photos, getting the cleaned up, backed up and ready to share. If all goes well, we'll be running this again so if it's something that would benefit my Collingwood Library peeps, watch for the Library newsletter.
Looking at this I see I could have done a better job marketing my business name - but I promise I'm teaching! 😁
